Get Organized for Good with Corinne Morahan: Maximize Your Productivity, Cultivate Purposeful Habits and Have More Fun!

Getting organized doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be really fun. Don’t believe it? Listen along. This show will provide valuable insights, practical tips, and funny, inspiring stories to help you not only maximize productivity and cultivate purposeful habits, but also infuse a sense of joy and playfulness into your daily routines. Corinne thinks you’re amazing. And she knows that you can live a life you love, if (and only if!) you get organized. For GOOD! So let’s do that together. Corinne will drop primarily solo episodes weekly, with some inspiring guests sprinkled in. Create a life you love by getting - and staying - organized!

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7 days ago

“Let’s make sure that the stress of travel is not overshadowing all the wonderful memories that you’re about to make.” As she’s shared in past episodes, there was a time when host Corinne Morahan didn’t—couldn’t—enjoy going on vacation. She was too overwhelmed by all the things that had to be done leading up to and returning from her trips. Since getting organized, however, she has taken several trips with her family—including most recently to Portugal—-and enjoyed them to the fullest and with full peace of mind. On today’s episode of Get Organized for Good, she shares her best tips for traveling stress-free with kids, so that you can get the most out of your vacations, too. 
Learn the essentials to pack in your and your kids’ carry-on. The easiest way to get to and from the airport and why packing too far in advance may actually leave you scrambling. What should you do about your trash, mail and garbage while you’re away? Corinne has you covered. 
Preparation is the key to a good vacation. Join Corinne to learn how to get the most out of being home and away. 
“A friend told me that traveling with kids is not a vacation, it’s a trip. And that is true. And while many things actually get harder when your kids get older, traveling is one of those things that I would say, at least in my family, definitively, unequivocally, is easier, as your kids get older.” (2:26 | Corinne Morahan) 
“Knowing how you’re going to get around totally takes the stress out of it.” (6:56 | Corinne Morahan)
“Yes, it can be fun to go away and have your most stylish outfits, but then just pack your most stylish outfits. Don’t also pack your schlubby outfits, so that you have the option. Don’t give yourself options. Take out the option before you even pack so that you can bring fewer things.” (12:25 | Corinne Morahan)
“Overpacking will literally and figuratively weigh you down, and there can be a cost associated with it if your suitcase weighs too much.” (12:55 | Corinne Morahan)
“The more organized you get, the quicker that reset gets and the bigger of an impact your vacation has on you because you’re truly able to enjoy it, because you’re going back to an organized, streamlined home and life, and that vacation high gets to live a little bit longer throughout your week.” (19:08 | Corinne Morahan) 
Here's your FREE Packing Checklist!
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Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

“I have never met anyone that has done the work to declutter and get organized that doesn’t feel better or happier in a sustainable way,” says host Corinne Morahan on today’s episode of Get Organized for Good. The more tidy your physical environment, the less friction and fewer pain points you have to deal with. You reduce stress, lower cortisol and generally feel more at ease. And when you start by clearing out the items around you, you can begin to address your internal clutter and rid yourself of toxic behaviors, patterns and people. 
It is only when we do this inner work that we can experience true happiness. Corinne shares the lesson she learned early in life about the connection between happiness and external validation as well as the number one regret that hospice patients express at the end of their lives. Getting organized allows us the time and mental space to think about what we truly want and who we truly want to be in life. 
After all, we only get one. Join today’s episode to learn Corinne’s life philosophy on showing up fully, as ourselves, in our own lives, and making the most of our brief time here.  
“I learned a very powerful lesson at a very young age, that no matter how many external accolades or external things you accomplish, they are not going to make you happy unless you are already happy inside.” (4:33 | Corinne Morahan)
“The reality is you have reduced so many pain points and friction points in your life when you get organized that there’s just less to be annoyed with and more to feel happy about. And when you do that, it doesn’t cure your mental illness, it’s not going to cure your anxiety and your depression, but what it does do is make you feel a little better, and better enough that you have the time and energy to start making the big changes that really will have that necessary impact on your mental health.” (6:56 | Corinne Morahan) 
“Truly, getting organized is the fast track to the life we want and it is so much easier to deal with our physical items, to really start there and flex that muscle, that then allows us to get rid of our mental clutter and our toxic thought patterns and relationships.” (8:00 | Corinne Morahan) 
“I believe that the perfect amount of stuff for us to own is enough that we feel centered and grounded in our homes and our lives, but not weighed down.” (13:28 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday May 28, 2024

“I remember getting to the point where I felt like every decision I was making was the wrong one because I was too exhausted to make good decisions, or to, frankly, even care,” says host Corinne Morahan, describing the decision fatigue she once suffered. With the average American making 35,000 decisions a day, it’s no wonder we experience symptoms such as fatigue, procrastination, overwhelm, overthinking, regret and pure exhaustion on the mental, physical and emotional level. What’s worse, these small decisions take up so much of our mental space that we have no room or energy to make big decisions with thoughtful care. Luckily, Corinne has a solution—one that she shares with her members in the Grid + Glam Home Organizing Membership and with you on today’s episode of Get Organized for Good. 
The key, she explains, is automation. By taking the decision-making out of small inconsequential matters, you create brain space and energy for the big things. She’ll explain how to batch your tasks to avoid the pitfalls of what’s called “context switching,” the best way to do laundry and how she uses the Notes app to make decisions with and for the family. Imagine coming home from a business trip guilt-free with no decisions to make except which book you’d like to curl up with, or sending your children off to school without any stress? These are just some of the success stories members have reported.
Corinne herself was able to build her businesses only after she put herself through the membership and solidified a system of automation in her own life and home. On today’s episode she’ll share more about her experience and how you can get started, too. 
“I remember getting to the point where I felt like every decision I was making was the wrong one because I was too exhausted to make good decisions, or to, frankly, even care.” (1:37 | Corinne Morahan)
“Do you ever find yourself thinking, ‘Why am I so overwhelmed by this very basic thing?’ or I would look at some of my friends and think, ‘That person is so much more competent than I am. Why can they do that thing so easily? Why do I feel so overwhelmed by this?’ Oh, right. Because I’m in decision fatigue.” (8:22 | Corinne Morahan) 
“There are certain decisions that we cannot take off our plate, we have to make them with our best energy. Those are the ones that I want us to have all of the stamina for. All the things that need to be decided, but the outcome of which don’t have a huge impact on our lives—like what we’re going to wear, what we’re going to eat, are the kids’ backpacks packed, do they have their snacks, where are we going to go on vacation?—that’s a fun one. There are ways that you can really automate all of these things.” (12:13 | Corinne Morahan) 
“For me, the gift of this has been feeling like it majorly alleviates the pressure of being an adult because when I had my best thinking on, I made these decisions on how we want things to run. And now we just get to do it. And now I have the time and energy to put that brain space into the bigger decisions I want.” (14:06 | Corinne Morahan)
Doors to the G+G Home Organizing Membership are OPEN until May 31!! This is my signature program, designed to help you TRULY get organized for good!! Click here to join:
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Tuesday May 21, 2024

“This is the foundation for living the good life.” On today’s episode, host Corinne Morahan shares the seven pillars that she guarantees will help you Get Organized for Good. She’ll tell you what you need to stop doing, what you need to start doing, and what you need to commit to doing long term in order to start living the life of your dreams. These pillars are at the heart of what you’ll learn when you enroll in Grid + Glam’s Home Organizing Membership, where thousands of people have completely changed their lives through decluttering and implementing Corinne’s frameworks for organization in their homes. 
Instilling these pillars in your life will help you reclaim your time and start to live life in the moment rather than be anchored down by stuff. By learning to buy less, you’ll only increase the pleasure of shopping. How can you get the whole family on board, how do you make your space so pretty you’ll never want to clutter it again, and what is the one pillar that keeps all the others standing? Find out in today’s discussion. 
If you’re ready to be radically self-honest and make organizing a priority, you can start to reclaim your time to spend it on the things that truly matter to you. Join today’s episode to learn how to enroll in Grid + Glam Home Organizing Membership.
“While I have worked on my perfectionist tendencies—I call myself ‘a recovering perfectionist’—I am still not quite a recovering people pleaser, I still definitely have that piece of me inside, and I didn’t want to let people down. Yet, I was letting myself down, I was letting my family down and somehow that was OK.” (4:16 | Corinne Morahan)
“Life is lived in the everyday moments, but we don’t really enjoy them. We’re focused on buying the next thing, the next product that’s going to make our life better, rather than putting our time and energy into experiences and in showing up for our life.” (6:31 | Corinne Morahan) 
“Everyone in your household is responsible for participating, or at least supporting, the effort.” (10:22 | Corinne Morahan)
“I have seen from thousands of case studies that when our space looks pretty, we are so much more likely to keep it pretty.” (12:35 | Corinne Morahan)
“Staying organized requires maintenance.” (13:08 | Corinne Morahan)
Doors to the G+G Home Organizing Membership are OPEN!! Join us now to get organized for good!! Click here to learn more:
The May 21 workshop is TODAY at noon ET! It's not too late. Join here:
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Tuesday May 14, 2024

“If you want endless repetition, see a lot of different people; if you want variety, stay with one.” Host Corinne Morahan borrows a quote from folk icon Joni Mitchell to demonstrate the paradoxical nature of keeping romance alive: by putting routines in place, you can keep the fun and spontaneity alive in your long term relationship. On today’s episode of Get Organized for Good, Corinne shares some top tips she uses to keep the spark alive in her own 17-year marriage. Working, raising kids and dealing with all the stressors of modern life can take a toll on any marriage. But if you can start from a foundation of love and respect, these tips will help you to remember you’re on the same team. 
As promised in last week’s episode, she shares the bean jar technique that she and her husband began using during their first year of marriage (hint: the goal is actually to keep the jar empty). Should you talk about the kids during date night? What do you do when you’re tired, on different schedules, or just don’t feel like doing anything? Corinne explains how to keep a date journal and the importance of flirting. 
Stay tuned to the end of the episode for your sexting assignment, and to discover Corinne’s curated sexy playlist. 
“I very much enjoy being around my husband. We have a lot of fun. We still have a great sex life. And that’s what I want for all of you.” (5:44 | Corinne Morahan) 
“Not every year has looked the same. Not every season has been the best season for us. There—I was going to say there are times we are annoyed with each other–obviously he’s not annoyed with me because I’m perfect—but there are plenty of times where I get annoyed with him. So, I don’t want to paint a picture of something that is completely untrue and unrealistic because that is just not reality. We are two human beings, working through our own shit, raising two of the most incredible children.” (6:03 | Corinne Morahan)
“My husband and I wrote our own vows and in them we said, ‘It’s just you and me, playing catch.’ I don’t even know how to throw a ball, I don’t know how we came up with that, but I love the metaphor. Whatever’s happening around us in the outside world, it’s just the two of us, playing catch. Sometimes it’s the two of us against our kids, if you know what I’m saying. Just the two of us against the world.” (9:58 | Corinne Morahan)
“Listen, sometimes I’m not in the mood. I’ve already shared, many times, I’m a homebody. I like to be in cozy clothes; I like to stay in my house and do nothing. So, sometimes, putting on clothes and getting myself all done up doesn’t feel like exactly the thing I want to do. But I love sitting across the table from my husband, drinking a dirty martini.”  (18:42 | Corinne Morahan)
“Most of us just fall into a rut and we take each other for granted, we get tired, our spouses see us at our literal worst, they see us at our ugliest, they see us at our most disgusting. I’m not trying to be my best self all the time at my house. So, it makes it even that much more important that we get dressed up for date night, that we send each other flirty and fun texts and that we make it fun.” (21:58| Corinne Morahan) 
Join me for the FREE Get Organized for Good Workshop! Click here to learn more:
Here's the playlist my husband put together!
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Tuesday May 07, 2024

“Having a strong and healthy outlook coupled with a strong and healthy body really is a recipe for so much joy in our lives,” says host Corinne Morahan on this episode of Get Organized for Good. And the opposite is true: No matter how accomplished we are in work and life, having a negative view of how we look can cast a shadow over all of our success. Corinne reveals the toll that founding Grid + Glam took on her health in the early days. As a result, she felt self-conscious about her looks and the image she was portraying, and considered turning down several on-camera promotional opportunities. Since then, she’s maintained a healthy lifestyle based on six pillars, which she shares on today’s episode. She’ll also share the systems she puts in place to solidify her healthy habits and what you can do to create your own best self care routine. When you feel confident in your body, you can feel confident to go after anything you want in life!
Corinne reveals how she has overhauled her bedroom for better quality sleep and why she believes that all food is good for us. She’ll share how she keeps herself optimally hydrated and how she prevents boredom in her exercise routine. She explains the best time to make a beauty appointment and how to get yourself in the mood for good sex.
None of this is easy, but like Corinne always reminds us, you have to learn to do it anyway. Drawing on wisdom from leading figures such as Susie Moore and Tim Ferris, Corinne will help you assemble and organize your own beauty framework so you can go more boldly out into the world. 
“When you feel confident, you walk in a room, you light it up. It really doesn’t even matter what you look like, it really is so much of that confidence of feeling good. But partially it is, because we are making choices that make our body and our skin look better.” (5:21 | Corinne Morahan)
“There really is something to this: When we don’t feel good about how we look, and we don’t feel good about our bodies, we don’t feel as good about all of our other accomplishments.” (7:50 | Corinne Morahan)
“You have to pick your hard. Being in a body that you don’t feel your best in, having to say no to work opportunities, is hard. Waking up early, working out five days a week, is hard. Pick your hard. This is not a choice between what’s the easy thing to do. It’s, ‘Which hard am I willing to choose for the outcome that I really want to get?’” (22:18 | Corinne Morahan) 
“Giving yourself a framework like this where everything is allowed gets you out of the cycle of shame and beating yourself up. My daughter and I always say that all food is good for you: some is good for your body and some is good for your soul.” (29:39 | Corinne Morahan)
“You can’t hate yourself into the person you want to be; you have to love yourself into her.” (36:03 | Corinne Morahan)
Join me for my free "Get Organized for Good" Workshops! They're coming up on May 20 + 21. I'd love to see you there! Learn more by clicking here:
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Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

“If everything is special, then nothing is special,” host Corinne Morahan reminds us on this episode of Get Organized for Good. Today, she is tackling the topic of sentimental clutter– items that you are keeping solely for the memory and meaning attached to them and not for any functional purpose. In an effort to keep memories of loved ones and good times alive, we often hold onto everything. This not only dilutes the memory, but acts as a barrier to connection and can create a new source of stress. It’s the hardest type of clutter to get rid of, Corinne explains, citing research from the Yale School of Medicine about the physical effects of parting with sentimental items. Luckily, she’s here to tell us how we can keep our memories alive without keeping our clutter.
She’ll discuss how to determine what stays and what goes, how to handle pressure from family members to keep things you don’t want, and how to determine whether your items, while invaluable to you, are of any value, monetarily. She’ll share how she determined which sentimental items from her children, from her fabulous grandmother and from one memorable grade school field trip were worthy of keeping. She’ll also reveal what those with difficult childhoods tend to hang onto the most, and why this only creates an undue burden on their children. 
As always, we are in control of our own process. Whether our items stay or go, our memories live within us, unchanged. 
“When we keep every single thing that might have some meaning to us, like any other item in our home it simply becomes clutter. And instead of being able to enjoy it and appreciate it, it stresses us out.” (3:57 | Corinne Morahan)
“When I start talking about getting rid of sentimental items people immediately freeze up and get stressed out. And I want you to know that you are in control of what you keep and what you get rid of. No one is going to come to your house and tell you what you need to get rid of, but similarly, people also can’t tell you what you have to keep. You are an adult and you are the boss of these decisions, and I have every confidence in you that your heart knows what to keep and what to toss.” (5:58 | Corinne Morahan) 
“If at some point, I decide to throw out this pearl necklace, I will not ever be throwing away the memory. The memory lives in me forever and always, the feelings of that moment. I don’t need to hold this necklace in my hand to know that. I can if I want to, but I have countless other good memories for which I do not have anything tangible, I don’t need anything tangible. The memory lives in me.” (8:30 | Corinne Morahan)
“It doesn’t mean you are throwing away that person, it doesn’t mean you’re throwing away that moment, it doesn’t mean you’re throwing away that memory. It just means you’re throwing away the tangible item. Or donating it. If someone in your family is making you feel that way, then they can keep the item in their home.” (9:46 | Corine Morahan)
“If this feels hard, you’re doing it right. This is the hardest part. Sentimental clutter is the hardest thing to part with, but I know you can do it.” (16:20 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

You’ll want to get the kids out of the room for this one! Today’s episode of the Get Organized for Good podcast, host Corinne Morahan is exploring the connection between organization and orgasms. The stress that clutter causes us, and the resentment that builds toward a partner who doesn’t do their share of household responsibilities has a major effect on libido, Corinne explains. Citing research from renowned sex and relationship experts, she emphasizes how much an environment free from visual clutter positively impacts a couple’s intimate life. 
As always, Corinne reminds us that shame has no place in this process. Nor does it do us any good to compare our lives to anyone else’s. Everyone’s different, with their own schedules and motivations. An improved sex life is simply another aspect of the expansive joy we invite into our lives when we clear our space of clutter and mess.
Join today’s episode to hear Corinne share her personalized playlist and her favorite recommendations for the bedroom. 
“I, of course, know this to be true. I have seen it in my own life, and case studies of countless of my members: the more relaxed we are, and the less we have any feelings of resentment, the more connected we feel to our partners, and the more we are simply in the mood.” (1:37 | Corinne Morahan)
“Messy homes can lead to feelings of depression and low self-esteem which in and of itself is a libido killer—this is what the research tells us—especially in those areas of our house where we spend the most time with our partners, like our bedrooms but also our living areas.” (4:54 | Corinne Morahan) 
“We all have different libidos, we all have different desires for sex, we all have different schedules. There are so many things that factor into it. What this conversation is really about is maximizing pleasure for you at the top of your desire threshold.” (6:22 | Corinne Morahan)
“There can be a lot of factors that impact our sex drive: our health, and the factors that I’ve listed above. But two of the big ones that impact our sex lives, and our sexual desires, and our ability to reach climax are our stress levels and our connection to our partner. And being organized has a massively positive impact on both.” (7:48 | Corinne Morahan) 
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Sexual Healing Playlist:
Partner toy:
Solo toy is Ina 3:
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

“Do you ever find yourself busy running around tidying up and no one else is helping? Yeah, we’re not going to do that anymore.” On today’s episode of Getting Organized for Good, host Corinne Morahan will show you how you can get your family involved in the household organizing and decluttering. Citing studies which illustrate the mental and emotional aspect of clutter, she’ll explain the benefits of organizing, and why onboarding your spouse and children—even if they don’t share your enthusiasm—will make for a smoother household, where everyone feels more peaceful and has more fun. 
You’ll learn some sample scripts to help you make your needs known clearly to each member of your family—after all they can’t read your mind. She’ll explain why it’s OK for kids to push back and why you shouldn’t wait until you and your spouse are on the same page, as well as why you shouldn’t expect perfection. She’ll share her daughter’s after school routine and how she’s saved them both several fights and hectic mornings. 
Corinne will also share a story from her son’s time at summer camp as an example of the values family organizing instills in our children as they make their way out into the world. Learning that they need to contribute to household chores not only teaches them resilience and responsibility, it fosters in them the kind of confidence and empowerment that only comes from mastering new skills.
“I felt like the responsibility to keep our house and life going was mine and mine alone.” (1:49 | Corinne Morahan)
“I want you to hear this loud and clear: You do not have to be perfect to be deserving of help.” (2:44 | Corinne Morahan)
“So many of us want it to matter as much to our partner as it does to us, and that is leaving us broken and resentful. If we are waiting for it to matter to them as much as us to do something about it, we’re going to be waiting a long time.” (6:00 | Corinne Morahan) 
“People can’t read our minds, the same way we can’t read other people’s minds. How often do we think someone is thinking something and we are way off base. So, we need to be super clear on our ask.” (9:41 | Corinne Morahan)
“Even though she might push back—and she’s allowed, kids are allowed to complain, they don’t have to do these things happily, they just have to do them. And so even though she may push back, she will still get it done.” (11:57 | Corinne Morahan)
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EP09: The Paradox of Free Time

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

“What am I even doing? All I wanted was free time and I’m not even enjoying it.” On today’s episode of Getting Organized for Good, host Corinne Morahan addresses an unexpected problem she encountered after getting organized: an abundance of free time that she had no idea what to do with. At first she filled it with busy work before realizing that was just another form of clutter. To keep from turning our hard-earned and well-deserved free time from becoming just another form of stress, Corinne invites us to pause and figure out what we truly want. 
Staying busy allows us to stay in control of our time. It helps us avoid the thoughts, actions and people we don’t want to deal with. But the whole point of organizing, Corinne reminds us, is to live our best lives, filled with the activities and adventures that bring us joy. 
If you had a whole day to yourself how would you fill it? Corinne shares a few of the joys she fills her Saturday mornings with, bringing a little of her old city life to her home in the suburbs. 
“I started to ask myself, ‘What am I avoiding? Why do I feel this constant need to be busy? Am I trying to avoid myself? Am I trying to avoid the silence? Am I trying to avoid figuring out a hobby? Am I trying to avoid life?’” (2:58 | Corinne Morahan)
“There is a piece of us that keeps us in this story and this cycle of manufactured busyness because if and when we have more time, we don’t actually know what to do with it.” (5:05 | Corinne Morahan) 
“Somehow we feel like if we’re not busy then we’re not going to be in control of our time, we’re going to have to say yes to things we don’t want to do, we are going to have to somehow be perfect.” (6:21 | Corinne Morahan)
“We spend so much of our time thinking about what everyone else needs and what everyone else wants and so little time thinking about what we actually want. And what is so crazy is I’ve seen even this phenomenon create another shame spiral. ‘How can I not know what I want to do with my free time?’ And then this just becomes another thing to stress about. That we fill our time stressing about how we don’t know how to fill our time. Oh, boy. Why do we do this to ourselves?” (7:32 | Corinne Morahan) 
“I’m not saying wave a magic wand and everything changes, although I do think getting organized is the start of waving that magic wand.”  (14:34 | Corinne Morahan) 
Download your FREE Self-Care Journal here!
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