Tuesday May 28, 2024

EP 16: How To Combat Decision Fatigue

“I remember getting to the point where I felt like every decision I was making was the wrong one because I was too exhausted to make good decisions, or to, frankly, even care,” says host Corinne Morahan, describing the decision fatigue she once suffered. With the average American making 35,000 decisions a day, it’s no wonder we experience symptoms such as fatigue, procrastination, overwhelm, overthinking, regret and pure exhaustion on the mental, physical and emotional level. What’s worse, these small decisions take up so much of our mental space that we have no room or energy to make big decisions with thoughtful care. Luckily, Corinne has a solution—one that she shares with her members in the Grid + Glam Home Organizing Membership and with you on today’s episode of Get Organized for Good. 


The key, she explains, is automation. By taking the decision-making out of small inconsequential matters, you create brain space and energy for the big things. She’ll explain how to batch your tasks to avoid the pitfalls of what’s called “context switching,” the best way to do laundry and how she uses the Notes app to make decisions with and for the family. Imagine coming home from a business trip guilt-free with no decisions to make except which book you’d like to curl up with, or sending your children off to school without any stress? These are just some of the success stories members have reported.


Corinne herself was able to build her businesses only after she put herself through the membership and solidified a system of automation in her own life and home. On today’s episode she’ll share more about her experience and how you can get started, too. 



  • “I remember getting to the point where I felt like every decision I was making was the wrong one because I was too exhausted to make good decisions, or to, frankly, even care.” (1:37 | Corinne Morahan)
  • “Do you ever find yourself thinking, ‘Why am I so overwhelmed by this very basic thing?’ or I would look at some of my friends and think, ‘That person is so much more competent than I am. Why can they do that thing so easily? Why do I feel so overwhelmed by this?’ Oh, right. Because I’m in decision fatigue.” (8:22 | Corinne Morahan) 
  • “There are certain decisions that we cannot take off our plate, we have to make them with our best energy. Those are the ones that I want us to have all of the stamina for. All the things that need to be decided, but the outcome of which don’t have a huge impact on our lives—like what we’re going to wear, what we’re going to eat, are the kids’ backpacks packed, do they have their snacks, where are we going to go on vacation?—that’s a fun one. There are ways that you can really automate all of these things.” (12:13 | Corinne Morahan) 
  • “For me, the gift of this has been feeling like it majorly alleviates the pressure of being an adult because when I had my best thinking on, I made these decisions on how we want things to run. And now we just get to do it. And now I have the time and energy to put that brain space into the bigger decisions I want.” (14:06 | Corinne Morahan)



Doors to the G+G Home Organizing Membership are OPEN until May 31!! This is my signature program, designed to help you TRULY get organized for good!! Click here to join: gridandglam.com/gg-membership


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