Get Organized for Good with Corinne Morahan: Maximize Your Productivity, Cultivate Purposeful Habits and Have More Fun!
Getting organized doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be really fun. Don’t believe it? Listen along. This show will provide valuable insights, practical tips, and funny, inspiring stories to help you not only maximize productivity and cultivate purposeful habits, but also infuse a sense of joy and playfulness into your daily routines. Corinne thinks you’re amazing. And she knows that you can live a life you love, if (and only if!) you get organized. For GOOD! So let’s do that together. Corinne will drop primarily solo episodes weekly, with some inspiring guests sprinkled in. Create a life you love by getting - and staying - organized!
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
You’ll want to get the kids out of the room for this one! Today’s episode of the Get Organized for Good podcast, host Corinne Morahan is exploring the connection between organization and orgasms. The stress that clutter causes us, and the resentment that builds toward a partner who doesn’t do their share of household responsibilities has a major effect on libido, Corinne explains. Citing research from renowned sex and relationship experts, she emphasizes how much an environment free from visual clutter positively impacts a couple’s intimate life.
As always, Corinne reminds us that shame has no place in this process. Nor does it do us any good to compare our lives to anyone else’s. Everyone’s different, with their own schedules and motivations. An improved sex life is simply another aspect of the expansive joy we invite into our lives when we clear our space of clutter and mess.
Join today’s episode to hear Corinne share her personalized playlist and her favorite recommendations for the bedroom.
“I, of course, know this to be true. I have seen it in my own life, and case studies of countless of my members: the more relaxed we are, and the less we have any feelings of resentment, the more connected we feel to our partners, and the more we are simply in the mood.” (1:37 | Corinne Morahan)
“Messy homes can lead to feelings of depression and low self-esteem which in and of itself is a libido killer—this is what the research tells us—especially in those areas of our house where we spend the most time with our partners, like our bedrooms but also our living areas.” (4:54 | Corinne Morahan)
“We all have different libidos, we all have different desires for sex, we all have different schedules. There are so many things that factor into it. What this conversation is really about is maximizing pleasure for you at the top of your desire threshold.” (6:22 | Corinne Morahan)
“There can be a lot of factors that impact our sex drive: our health, and the factors that I’ve listed above. But two of the big ones that impact our sex lives, and our sexual desires, and our ability to reach climax are our stress levels and our connection to our partner. And being organized has a massively positive impact on both.” (7:48 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
“Do you ever find yourself busy running around tidying up and no one else is helping? Yeah, we’re not going to do that anymore.” On today’s episode of Getting Organized for Good, host Corinne Morahan will show you how you can get your family involved in the household organizing and decluttering. Citing studies which illustrate the mental and emotional aspect of clutter, she’ll explain the benefits of organizing, and why onboarding your spouse and children—even if they don’t share your enthusiasm—will make for a smoother household, where everyone feels more peaceful and has more fun.
You’ll learn some sample scripts to help you make your needs known clearly to each member of your family—after all they can’t read your mind. She’ll explain why it’s OK for kids to push back and why you shouldn’t wait until you and your spouse are on the same page, as well as why you shouldn’t expect perfection. She’ll share her daughter’s after school routine and how she’s saved them both several fights and hectic mornings.
Corinne will also share a story from her son’s time at summer camp as an example of the values family organizing instills in our children as they make their way out into the world. Learning that they need to contribute to household chores not only teaches them resilience and responsibility, it fosters in them the kind of confidence and empowerment that only comes from mastering new skills.
“I felt like the responsibility to keep our house and life going was mine and mine alone.” (1:49 | Corinne Morahan)
“I want you to hear this loud and clear: You do not have to be perfect to be deserving of help.” (2:44 | Corinne Morahan)
“So many of us want it to matter as much to our partner as it does to us, and that is leaving us broken and resentful. If we are waiting for it to matter to them as much as us to do something about it, we’re going to be waiting a long time.” (6:00 | Corinne Morahan)
“People can’t read our minds, the same way we can’t read other people’s minds. How often do we think someone is thinking something and we are way off base. So, we need to be super clear on our ask.” (9:41 | Corinne Morahan)
“Even though she might push back—and she’s allowed, kids are allowed to complain, they don’t have to do these things happily, they just have to do them. And so even though she may push back, she will still get it done.” (11:57 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
“What am I even doing? All I wanted was free time and I’m not even enjoying it.” On today’s episode of Getting Organized for Good, host Corinne Morahan addresses an unexpected problem she encountered after getting organized: an abundance of free time that she had no idea what to do with. At first she filled it with busy work before realizing that was just another form of clutter. To keep from turning our hard-earned and well-deserved free time from becoming just another form of stress, Corinne invites us to pause and figure out what we truly want.
Staying busy allows us to stay in control of our time. It helps us avoid the thoughts, actions and people we don’t want to deal with. But the whole point of organizing, Corinne reminds us, is to live our best lives, filled with the activities and adventures that bring us joy.
If you had a whole day to yourself how would you fill it? Corinne shares a few of the joys she fills her Saturday mornings with, bringing a little of her old city life to her home in the suburbs.
“I started to ask myself, ‘What am I avoiding? Why do I feel this constant need to be busy? Am I trying to avoid myself? Am I trying to avoid the silence? Am I trying to avoid figuring out a hobby? Am I trying to avoid life?’” (2:58 | Corinne Morahan)
“There is a piece of us that keeps us in this story and this cycle of manufactured busyness because if and when we have more time, we don’t actually know what to do with it.” (5:05 | Corinne Morahan)
“Somehow we feel like if we’re not busy then we’re not going to be in control of our time, we’re going to have to say yes to things we don’t want to do, we are going to have to somehow be perfect.” (6:21 | Corinne Morahan)
“We spend so much of our time thinking about what everyone else needs and what everyone else wants and so little time thinking about what we actually want. And what is so crazy is I’ve seen even this phenomenon create another shame spiral. ‘How can I not know what I want to do with my free time?’ And then this just becomes another thing to stress about. That we fill our time stressing about how we don’t know how to fill our time. Oh, boy. Why do we do this to ourselves?” (7:32 | Corinne Morahan)
“I’m not saying wave a magic wand and everything changes, although I do think getting organized is the start of waving that magic wand.” (14:34 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Imagine you’re on a dream vacation with your family and all you can think of is the clutter and disorganization you have waiting for you back home? For Corinne Morahan, vacations were spoiled just this way until she put in place a series of systems, habits and routines for her and her family to follow. This transformation allowed her and her family to enjoy well-earned vacations and to experience the true freedom that only comes from being disciplined.
What are the differences among systems, routines, and habits? Corinne will explain all three and why neither one works without the other. Without all three you will soon find yourself back where you started. To illustrate, she describes the way her family take off their shoes and coats in the mud room, or vestibule, of the house as their first order of business when returning home.
In between vacations is the comforting rhythm of day-to-day life. These same systems, habits and routines for productivity and organization will help ensure you’re building a life you love and that you don’t need a vacation from!
“[It] was so magical because we were all so relaxed. We really got to enjoy being away. We had done a full reset of our house before we left. We were coming back on Saturday so we could do a Sunday reset before we started the next week, and we knew we could have a full week to just enjoy and relax and enjoy each others’ company.” (3:29 | Corinne Morahan)
“I know some people who consider themselves carefree and spontaneous really resist the idea of getting organized because they think it’s going to stifle them when the reality is it opens you up to so much spontaneity.” (4:12 | Corinne Morahan)
“Hopefully, you’re not sick of hearing me say this by now, but I want us all to feel free to enjoy this one wild and crazy life.” (5:18 | Corinne Morahan)
“I like having a life that is a balance between the day-to-day rhythms, the systems, being at home and being able to go on big adventures. And if we can figure out the right systems, routines, and habits to optimize our lives, we can enjoy the day-to-day, and not just wait to enjoy until we go on these vacations.” (6:24 | Corinne Morahan)
“Think about the freedom that you will get back in your life if you spend the time to do this. It’s so incredible.” (10:46 | Corinne Morahan)
"How to Get Organized for GOOD" Masterclass!
You don’t need the “GOOD” code anymore!
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Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Has the #SundayReset landed on your FYP on TikTok? You can thank host Corinne Morahan of Grid + Glam, the trend’s creator, for all the inspiration! She returns in the latest episode of Get Organized For Good with Step 4 of her organization framework. It’s a two-fold process to bring your house up to baseline and set your week up for more ease and less friction. Of course, you can do this any day of the week, or over multiple days, as long as you don’t wait until things are perfect before getting started. Corinne shares examples from her own family’s routine regarding cooking, meal prep, laundry, indoor/outdoor cleaning and self-care.
She also shares her kickstarter list—the three tasks you can complete that will make your week that much smoother, and get the ball rolling toward a more organized life. As you continue to incorporate more of your own steps, you will begin to see a marked improvement in your well-being, productivity, work/life balance and sense of self. She will also tell you how you can start to get your kids involved!
Part of getting organized for good is taking back control of your time, and you don’t want to spend it all performing maintenance on your clutter. By putting in the few hours a week toward your reset, you will soon discover you have exponentially more time to devote to finding and pursuing the things that you truly enjoy.
“A reset is so powerful because it allows you to begin each week with a clear mind, an uncluttered space, a streamlined to-do list, and ultimately that boosts your productivity and just overall well-being and it gives you more time.” (3:53 | Corinne Morahan)
“Your house does not need to be perfectly organized, it does not need to be your dream home, to start a Sunday Reset. You can start it this week and you’ll immediately see the benefits of it.” (4:40 | Corinne Morahan)
“It’s not just the time I save, it is the aggravation and the frustration so that I can show up as a much better version of myself and frankly we all can, because we have spent this time doing this together.” (12:34 | Corinne Morahan)
“It’s super important that everyone in the family knows that they play a role in maintaining the space.” (12:51 | Corinne Morahan)
“Rather than thinking of the Sunday Reset as yet another chore, think about this as an amazing habit or a gift you are giving yourself.” (14:40 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Ready for the sexiest and most fun step of the 4-step organization framework? In this episode of Get Organized for Good, Corinne Morahan describes the various reactions guests have had to the state of her home, including that of an old college friend who compared it to a Pottery Barn (and whether or not he meant it as a compliment)! Everyone has a different threshold for chaos, she says, and different appetites for organizing. You have the privilege of determining your individual level of organization and your personal style of home decor.
Sites like Pinterest and Instagram should serve as inspiration and information, not comparison. Have fun while you gather data and cultivate your own approach! Corinne explains what to do when you and your partner have different organization thresholds, and the important distinction between putting things down and putting them away and why she strongly prefers big labels.
Getting organized has not only changed Corinne’s life, but allowed her sons to thrive and be empowered in their approach to stressful situations. Join us to learn how you, too, can start living your most expansive life, today!
“Imagine how freaking sexy it feels when every space in your home is dialed in, and if you are going to have guests over at any moment, you don’t have to clean up for them. This is the beauty of being organized.” (3:43 | Corinne Morahan)
“We all have a different threshold for chaos.” (5:13 | Corinne Morahan)
“As you are embarking on this journey, I want you to feel empowered that you get to decide what your threshold is for you. Don’t let the pictures of my house, don’t let what you see on Instagram or Pinterest dictate that for you. Use it as information.” (6:14 | Corinne Morahan)
“It’s been so interesting to watch my kids grow up in a home that’s so organized and how they really now thrive in such organized spaces. Their default now is that they’re feeling stressed about something, they’ll ask me if I can help them declutter or purge or set up a new system as they’re growing and their needs change. And it’s extremely empowering to them to feel like they have a say, but they also have tools to help them feel like they can control their environment a bit more when so much is out of their control.” (9:37 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
“The external looked perfectly pretty and organized but underneath it all was one big gigantic mess. And that’s really how I felt for a lot of my life,” says Corinne, who’s back with Step 2 of the four step framework for living a more organized life. On this episode of Get Organized for Good, she’s focused on decluttering. And while it’s tempting to simply organize your clutter and call it a day–even putting it in pretty containers–unless you purge the things that no longer serve you, you’ll end up back in the same mess sooner rather than later.
Corinne knows firsthand what an undertaking this is—the decision fatigue, the overwhelm, the emotional drain–because she’s lived it. Now, she’s here to show you how to move confidently and purposefully through it all and follow through with your decluttering mission. She reflects on the cost of hanging onto your stuff–and it goes way beyond money–and she addresses the concerns you may have about throwing stuff away. She’ll even have you rethinking your attitude toward shopping.
Your home should be where you live your most glamorous life, not a massive storage unit or a living landfill. Purging your physical environment sets the framework for purging the clutter in all other areas of your life.
Let Corinne help you put the grid in place so you have plenty of room for the glam.
“You have to purge [your clutter] to achieve the glam life you want.” (4:47 | Corinne Morahan)
“Organized clutter is still clutter. And this was the life that I lived. Everything looked organized but I had too much stuff because I had lots of clutter and I could never keep it that way. If you try to organize your clutter, you will eventually end up with the same mess and overwhelm you started with. ” (5:51 | Corinne Morahan)
“Purge burnout is real, even if you’re super committed to it and you’re dedicated to the process, you can really burnout because there are so many big decisions. And I’m guessing that when you tried to get organized in the past, you started pulling things out and you got overwhelmed because it got worse before it got better.” (7:26 | Corinne Morahan)
“Clutter affects us daily. There is a massive, massive cost to that. It takes away our freedom.” (12:29 | Corinne Morahan)
“Do you want to keep your house as a massive storage unit for the ‘what-ifs’? I would personally rather live in a house that is organized and streamlined and has breathing room.” (13:04 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Though she’s an organizing pro now, Corinne was once like so many of us: a stressed out mom trying to do it all, whose lists of tasks grew longer as her patience grew shorter. Finally, after reaching her breaking point, she decided to create a framework that would change her life, her family’s life, the lives of thousands of women with whom she has shared it. Now it’s time to change yours, too. On today’s episode of Get Organized for Good, she shares the first and most important step of this framework: shifting your mindset.
Corinne starts by walking you through a visualization exercise, so you can feel what it’s like to live a truly organized life. But good feelings alone can’t change you into the person you want to become and neither can shame. She presents some of the most common internal roadblocks–overwhelm, perfectionism, not knowing where to start—that keep many people from getting organized and invites you, in a loving manner, to identify those that you recognize in yourself.
Each of the next three episodes of Get Organized for Good will be devoted to one of the framework’s more tangible steps. In the meantime, this all-important step of shifting your mindset is the first toward a new life.
“If you couldn’t tell by now, I need a plan or the wheels fall off the frickin’ bus. Yes, I’m organized. Yes, I’m super productive, highly capable. But the reason I can show up that way is because I have created a framework for our lives that allows me to thrive in that way. Because when I don’t have a framework, it’s not pretty, friends.” (3:27 | Corinne Morahan)
“In that visualization, you didn’t win the lottery, you didn’t lose ten pounds, you didn’t get a new spouse. Your life is the same, but it’s organized. That one change can change everything.” (8:07 | Corinne Morahan)
“You can’t hate yourself into the person you want to be. You have to love yourself into being her.” (8:50 | Corinne Morahan)
“There really is no such thing as perfect. So, really, just remember that you’ve just got to get started. You’ve got to start anywhere. It’s not going to be perfect but it’s going to be amazing. Like anything worth doing, getting organized is a marathon not a sprint. P.S., I fricking hate running. So maybe it’s neither, but you get the point.” (14:17 | Corinne Morahan)
“This is what a mindset shift will do: What was once so hard starts to feel like, ‘Oh, wait, this actually the easier thing to do.” (15:08 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
“Tomorrow always had this special allure. I didn’t trust myself today, but I just thought maybe tomorrow would be the day I could show up as the best version of myself and get this thing done perfectly.”
In this episode of Get Organized For Good, Corinne confesses to a past of pure procrastination. As a college student, she put everything— from decluttering her room to waiting until a week before the deadline to writing her 100-page honors thesis– off until the last minute. This wasn’t due to laziness, or even just a matter of having a packed partying schedule. Like many people, her procrastination was driven by perfectionism. She handed her tasks off to an idealized future self who could do them perfectly, until finally, with a deadline looming, she scrambled to get them all done.
And her results? They were great, like a lot of peoples’ who work under the pressure of the last minute. So, why do it any differently? Well, because there is a much better way! Corinne will show you how to hack that deadline pressure and use it to get to your tasks in a timely manner. She shares the methods and systems she uses to hold herself accountable and gain momentum as well as the mentality she has adopted to let go of that perfectionism. And when that temptation to procrastinate becomes too strong, she has an ace in the hole!
Looking back, all the fun Corinne had in college could have been a lot more fun if she didn’t have all of those tasks hanging over her head and if she had more time to celebrate her wins. She wants you to start celebrating, too. Join the party–Corinne even provides a productivity playlist!
“Tomorrow always had this special allure. I felt like somehow tomorrow it would be easier to get (insert task here) done. Tomorrow I could do it more perfectly. I didn’t trust myself today, but I just thought maybe tomorrow would be the day I could show up as the best version of myself and get this thing done perfectly.” (1:35 | Corinne Morahan)
“We think because our output of doing things at the last minute is good that that’s the only way we can produce good work.” (4:18 | Corinne Morahan)
“I now lean hard into my mantra ‘do it anyway’ that I shared in Episode One. I don’t wait until I know I can do it perfectly, or when I’m in the mood. Because I might never be in the mood, and what is ‘perfect anyway?’ I just do it.” (5:34 | Corinne Morahan)
“The other huge piece of this is to say, ‘Done is better than perfect.” (7:33 | Corinne Morahan)
“I realized though, that all that fun time could have been way more fun if I had actually gotten the work done first and didn’t have it hanging it over my head. And that’s the way I live now. I get the things done and with my free time—and I do have plenty of it now—I actually get to enjoy it because I’m not trying to fill it up with trivial tasks and I don’t have things hanging over my head.” (9:12 | Corinne Morahan)
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Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
“When we live in an organized home, that is the ultimate form of self-care that we can give ourselves.”
Self-care is a ubiquitous term these days and usually brings to mind spa treatments, nail appointments, or long soaks in the tub. But if we can shift our mindsets, we will see that getting organized is the ultimate form of self-care. On today’s episode of Get Organized For Good, Corinne explains that not only is self-care more impactful than any beauty treatment, but it lasts longer and gives you the kind of peace of mind that allows us to enjoy those other treats and breaks more fully.
Organizing our interior spaces–our homes and minds—has countless benefits to our mental and physical health. From stress relief to increased productivity at work and even better sex, Corrine discusses how organization can improve our lives and for the long term. The rest of the world benefits from your organized home as well, since organized people show up as kinder and more patient. As she says, ‘getting organized for good’ has a dual meaning: once you get it done it becomes a matter of maintenance from then on, and it allows you to bring more good into your life while you put more good out into the world in return.
Life is not a dress rehearsal. We should be striving to fill each day with joy and productivity. Join today’s discussion to learn how getting organized will help you live your life to the fullest.
“We get one life. We should have as much fun and joy as possible.” (0:47 | Corinne Morahan)
“I’d rather be selfish but show up in a kind way, in a grounded way, in a mature way than be annoyed all the time. So, I know that self-care is not selfish, but even if it is, OK, I can live with that. I can live with being selfish because I know I show up as my best self when I’m taking care of myself.” (4:12 | Corinne Morahan)
“I get it. It’s more fun to go get your nails done or to sit in a bath than it is to organize your house. But imagine what it would feel like if you spent the time to declutter and organize and set your house up in a way that functions for you, and you thought of that as your self-care?” (7:32 | Corinne Morahan)
“The most beautiful thing about it is you see the rewards immediately.” (12:07 | Corinne Morahan)
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